LANDSCAPE i screen print (Crash Ensemble Series)
Title: “Landscape i”
Medium: 4-colour screen print
Dimensions: 40 x 40cm
Edition: 20
***Exhibited at National Concert Hall, Dublin, Kilkenny Arts Festival, Kilkenny; New Music Dublin, Dublin; Sounds From A Safe Harbour, Cork.***
Description: The starting point for the “Landscape” screen prints came from little paper cut-out collages I had used some years ago for La Blogothèque & Fractured Air’s monthly mixtape collaborations. Adopting the same principles of loosely forming positive shapes and trapping adjacent colours (but only roughly doing so by eye) allowed these screen prints to have more unpredictable bleeds and overprints, giving a more loose and imperfect appearance as a result. Slightly mis-registering the subsequent colours in different ways was also something I adopted here, allowing for each print in the edition to be unique.
Part of a print series for Crash Ensemble’s 25th anniversary weekend at National Concert Hall, Dublin during December 2022, and exhibited throughout 2023.
Title: “Landscape i”
Medium: 4-colour screen print
Dimensions: 40 x 40cm
Edition: 20
***Exhibited at National Concert Hall, Dublin, Kilkenny Arts Festival, Kilkenny; New Music Dublin, Dublin; Sounds From A Safe Harbour, Cork.***
Description: The starting point for the “Landscape” screen prints came from little paper cut-out collages I had used some years ago for La Blogothèque & Fractured Air’s monthly mixtape collaborations. Adopting the same principles of loosely forming positive shapes and trapping adjacent colours (but only roughly doing so by eye) allowed these screen prints to have more unpredictable bleeds and overprints, giving a more loose and imperfect appearance as a result. Slightly mis-registering the subsequent colours in different ways was also something I adopted here, allowing for each print in the edition to be unique.
Part of a print series for Crash Ensemble’s 25th anniversary weekend at National Concert Hall, Dublin during December 2022, and exhibited throughout 2023.
Title: “Landscape i”
Medium: 4-colour screen print
Dimensions: 40 x 40cm
Edition: 20
***Exhibited at National Concert Hall, Dublin, Kilkenny Arts Festival, Kilkenny; New Music Dublin, Dublin; Sounds From A Safe Harbour, Cork.***
Description: The starting point for the “Landscape” screen prints came from little paper cut-out collages I had used some years ago for La Blogothèque & Fractured Air’s monthly mixtape collaborations. Adopting the same principles of loosely forming positive shapes and trapping adjacent colours (but only roughly doing so by eye) allowed these screen prints to have more unpredictable bleeds and overprints, giving a more loose and imperfect appearance as a result. Slightly mis-registering the subsequent colours in different ways was also something I adopted here, allowing for each print in the edition to be unique.
Part of a print series for Crash Ensemble’s 25th anniversary weekend at National Concert Hall, Dublin during December 2022, and exhibited throughout 2023.